How often should I get my hearing testedIf I had hearing loss wouldn’t my doctor have told me ?.

As a preventive care you usually get your vision tested , your teeth cleaned regularly. You should also have your hearing tested by a hearing care professional regularly. People over the age of 50 should have their hearing screened annually by a qualified clinical professional. Many times, patients are not aware of the early signs or they don’t recognize them as hearing loss.
It is common to think people are mumbling on the television or telephone is not functioning properly. You should address your hearing loss at the earliest. It’s not only the quality of life you are going to lead in future but also for keeping all of your treatment options open.

It is common to think people are mumbling on the television or telephone is not functioning properly. You should address your hearing loss at the earliest. It’s not only the quality of life you are going to lead in future but also for keeping all of your treatment options open.

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